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Version: 0.3



) ‑> str

Entry point for running Compression.


  • output_path (str/Path) - Path to save the files being generated by the library
  • settings (Settings) - Settings that contains all the necessary information to run the model
  • model (torch.nn.Module) - torch nn Module
  • init_training_dataset_fn (Callable[[], Any]) - Pointer to a function that initializes the Dataloaders
  • init_evaluation_dataset_fn (Optional[Callable[[], Any]]) - Pointer to a function that initializes the Dataloaders
  • optimizer (torch.optim.Optimizer) - Optimizer object. In PyTorch it's an object from: torch.optim... When Resuming, 'optimizer' can be set to None unless it is a custom Optimizer.
  • training_losses (Dict[str, Callable]) - Dictionary mapping between a Name to a Loss Object used for Training. Can be a function that accepts (preds, target) or a Metric that implements an interface like torchmetrics.
  • training_metrics (Dict[str, Callable]) - Dictionary mapping between a Name to a Metric Object used for Training. Can be a function that accepts (preds, target) or a Metric that implements an interface like torchmetrics.
  • evaluation_losses (Dict[str, Callable]) - Dictionary mapping between a Name to a Loss Object used for Evaluation. Can be a function that accepts (preds, target) or a Metric that implements an interface like torchmetrics.
  • evaluation_metrics (Dict[str, Callable]) - Dictionary mapping between a Name to a Metric Object used for Evaluation. Can be a function that accepts (preds, target) or a Metric that implements an interface like torchmetrics.
  • callbacks (List[BaseCallback]) - Callbacks that will be called during compression to update the status of it.
  • kwargs (Optional[dict]) - Not used at the moment


  • str: Path to the latest CLIKA state