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Version: 0.2

How To Use CLIKA Compression

Tutorial Video


The code in this video can be found on CLIKA Compression examples repository via this link..


The clika-compression Python package implements CLIKA's unique compression engine called

CLIKA Compression Operation (CCO).

  • CCO is the process in which the model is compressed with CLIKA's compression engine.
  • CCO is "Hardware-aware", and compress the model optimally for the selected framework.
  • CCO can be applied to fine-tune a pretrained model or to train a model from scratch.

The clika-compression has three main usages:


Note that we will use cc (clika-compression) as the name of the package, as if we used:

import clika_compression as cc

.pompom files are the outputs of the CCO that contains the compressed model's checkpoints state.

For more information, see model.pompom.

Start a CLIKA Compression Operation

You can start a CCO from any torch.nn.Module by using cc.PyTorchCompressionEngine.optimize()

In order to start the CCO you MUST provide the following items:

There are several optional inputs that you MAY provide as well:

  • Function that returns an evaluation dataset dataloader (in case you require evaluation performance to be calculated during the compression process)
  • Training metrics (if you require metrics on the training dataset during CCO)
  • Evaluation metrics (if you require metrics on the evaluation dataset during CCO)

The provided loss functions, metrics and dataloaders must conform to certain requirements.

See CCO Input Requirements for more details.


import torch
from clika_compression import PyTorchCompressionEngine
from clika_compression.settings import generate_default_settings, ModelCompileSettings
from import DataLoader

model: torch.nn.Module = my_model # Set your model

def get_train_loader() -> DataLoader:
# Create your dataset and dataloader here
return train_dataloader

optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW(params=list(model.parameters()), lr=0.0001)
settings = generate_default_settings() # Can be configured after creation

engine = PyTorchCompressionEngine()

mcs = ModelCompileSettings(
training_losses={'cross_entropy_loss': torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()},

# Start the "CCO" to compress model to generate a `.pompom` file
engine.optimize( # final is the path to the `.pompom` file from the latest epoch
output_path='outputs', # the path to save the compressed models and other outputs
settings=settings, # the CCO settings
model=model, # the model to compress
init_training_dataset_fn=get_train_loader, # a function that returns the training dataloader
multi_gpu=True # use Multi-GPU Distributed Compression

Resume a CLIKA Compression Operation

If a CCO session was previously executed and you wish to resume from the point where you left off, you can utilize the cc.PyTorchCompressionEngine.resume() function along with the relevant .pompom file.

This feature is beneficial in the following scenarios:

  1. Interruption of the training process :

    • In the event of a mid-run crash or interruption during a CCO, you can resume the operation from the last checkpoint.
  2. Introduction of new data:

    • When new data is introduced to the training process, it will allow you to resume the CCO with a new dataset, ensuring continuity in the compression process.
  3. Additional fine-tuning:

    • If you wish to further fine-tune the model by running more epochs, you may continue the CCO from the previous checkpoint, enabling you to run additional epochs without starting from scratch.


import torch
from clika_compression import PyTorchCompressionEngine
from clika_compression.settings import generate_default_settings, ModelCompileSettings
from import DataLoader


settings = generate_default_settings()
optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW(params=list(model.parameters()), lr=0.0001)
mcs = ModelCompileSettings(
training_losses={'ce_loss': torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()},
engine = PyTorchCompressionEngine()

def get_train_loader() -> DataLoader:
# Create your dataset and dataloader here
return train_dataloader

# Resume the "CCO" to compress model to generate a `.pompom` file
engine.resume( # final is the path to the `.pompom` file from the latest epoch
init_training_dataset_fn=get_train_loader, # a function that returns the training dataloader
settings=settings, # the CCO settings
multi_gpu=True # use Multi-GPU Distributed Compression

Deploy a Model


Do not deploy a .onnx file that was generated by CCO with a certain deployment setting (for example, ONNX Runtime) to another framework (for example, TensorRT). Each onnx file created is tailored to the deployment framework set in Settings.deployment_settings and should only be deployed to that framework.

Once the CCO has been executed, you have the option to deploy the resulting .pompom file to a framework of your choice by utilizing the cc.PyTorchCompressionEngine.deploy() method. This method enables a straightforward deployment for the compressed model obtained from the CCO.

The current clika-compression version supports TensorRT and ONNX Runtime deployment (see DeploymentSettings).

CLIKA Deployment Example

from clika_compression import PyTorchCompressionEngine, DeploymentSettings_TensorRT_ONNX
from clika_compression.settings import generate_default_settings

engine = PyTorchCompressionEngine()
settings = generate_default_settings()
settings.deployment_settings = DeploymentSettings_TensorRT_ONNX(graph_author="CLIKA",
input_shapes_for_deployment=[(None, 1, 28, 28)]),
# Generate `.onnx` file and saves it to 'output'
engine.deploy(clika_state_path='path/to/.pompom', output_dir_path='output')

TensorRT Deployment

After running CCO and cc.PyTorchCompressionEngine.deploy() a MyModel.onnx will be generated. This file should be fed to the trtexec command as shown below to create a .engine file deployed to TensorRT.

To deploy your model to a .engine file, install TensorTR on your local machine OR use a docker container by Nvidia.

Here, we use a docker container by Nvidia. to deploy our model by running the following command (the docker image will be automatically pulled from Docker Hub):

You may also provide minimum or maximum shape bounds instead of specifying the exact shapes:

docker run --gpus all --rm -v .:/workspace/ -c trtexec \
--onnx=outputs/MyModel.onnx \
--saveEngine=outputs/MyModel.engine \
--shapes=input_0:1x3x224x224 \
--int8 --workspace=1024

# --onnx - relative path to your model `.onnx` file
# --saveEngine - relative path to deployed model
# --shapes - input shape (make sure it compatible with the shapes selected during CLIKA deployment)

You may also provide minimum or maximum shape bounds instead of specifying the exact shapes:

docker run --gpus all --rm -v .:/workspace/ -c trtexec \
--onnx=outputs/MyModel.onnx \
--saveEngine=MyModel.engine \
--minShapes=input_0:1x3x224x224 \
--optShapes=input_0:1x3x640x640 \
--maxShapes=input_0:1x3x1080x1080 \
--int8 --workspace=1024

# --onnx - relative path to your model `.onnx` file
# --saveEngine - relative path to deployed model

# make sure the non-constant dimentions are `None` when using `PyTorchCompressionEngine.deploy`,
# in this example: `PyTorchCompressionEngine.deploy.input_shapes=[1,3,None,None]`

For more information, see CLIKA examples and TensorRT documentation.

Multi-GPU Distributed Compression

To use "Multi-GPU Distributed Compression" with CCO, the argument multi_gpu must be set to True in the cc.PyTorchCompressionEngine.optimize() function call (used for start CCO) or the cc.PyTorchCompressionEngine.resume() function call (used for resume CCO).

The clika-compression "Multi-GPU Distributed Compression" technique is similar to PyTorch's DistributedDataParallel paradigm, which copies the model to each GPU and splits the dataset between them.

For more information, see Multi-GPU input restrictions.

CCO Outputs

The output directory tree structure will be as follows:

├── epoch_1/
│ ├── model.pompom
│ └── summary.json
├── epoch_2/
│ ├── model.pompom
│ └── summary.json
├── logs/
│ └──clika_optimize_<timestamp>.log
└── <model-name>.onnx # only generated when using `cc.PyTorchCompressionEngine.deploy()`

During CCO, each epoch (unless it was stated otherwise in the cc.TrainingSettings.save_interval), a new folder will be created named epoch_<current-epoch-index>/.

Inside the folder, the following two files will be generated:


The outputs of CCO are stored in.pompom files; they contain the compressed model and have everything that is required to resume CCO or deploy the compressed model.

They have two main usages:


We will break down the summary.json structure by using an example.

The script:

import torch
from clika_compression import PyTorchCompressionEngine
from clika_compression.settings import generate_default_settings, ModelCompileSettings
from torchmetrics.classification.accuracy import MulticlassAccuracy

optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW(params=list(model.parameters()), lr=0.0001)
mcs = ModelCompileSettings(
training_losses={"ce_loss": torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()},
training_metrics={'multiclass_accuracy': MulticlassAccuracy()},
evaluation_losses={"ce_loss": torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()},
evaluation_metrics={'multiclass_accuracy': MulticlassAccuracy()},

engine = PyTorchCompressionEngine()
settings = generate_default_settings() # Can be configured after creation

# Start the "CCO" to compress model to generate a `.pompom` file
engine.optimize( # final is the path to the `.pompom` file from the latest epoch
settings=settings, # the CCO settings
model=model, # the model to compress
init_training_dataset_fn=get_train_loader, # a function that returns the training dataloader
init_evaluation_dataset_fn=get_evaluation_loader, # a function that returns the evaluation dataloader

Will generate the following summary.json file:

"epoch": 1,# index of epoch
"training": {
"ce_loss": 9.7, # the cross-entropy loss
"loss": 9.7, # the total loss - a summation of all losses (in this case, since we have just one loss it's identical to cross-entropy loss)
"multiclass_accuracy": 0.0, # the metric supplied by the user
"evaluation": { # same as in "training" just for the evaluation dataset
"eval_ce_loss": 8.7,
"eval_loss": 8.7,
"eval_multiclass_accuracy": 0.9,
"time_elapsed": "0:00:00" # the duration of the CCO


During every run of CCO (start, resume or deploy), logs printed to the terminal are saved to a file in the outputs folder. The logs contain information about the CCO run and can be helpful for monitoring the process and for debugging purposes.

See Output Log Breakdown for more details.

Next Steps

And that's it! Both the CCO and the deployment are flexible and highly configurable to best fit your needs.